Apply for Membership
Membership of the Society offers many opportunities for sharing knowledge and increasing understanding of the history of the many peoples and their ancestors who lived in southern Africa over the past 3-million years.
All members automatically receive copies of the South African Archaeological Bulletin (published in June and December each year), the Goodwin Series (published occasionally) and The Digging Stick (published in April, August and December).
All South African members automatically become members of the branch nearest to them and will receive notices of lectures and outings from the branch. Members in good standing may apply for a password to gain internet access to back issues of the Bulletin and Goodwin Series on online academic archive JSTOR
Members of the South African Archaeological Society agree to observe The Constitution and Rules of the Society and any branch of which they are a member. They accept that participation in any activities of the Society or its branches is at their own risk.
Period of membership: Our year runs from January to December. Members joining between September and December of any year, however, pay the following year’s rate for their category. For that, they will receive the December Bulletin and The Digging Stick for the year in which they join, as well as information on branch activities. Their membership is valid for the full period of the following year as well.
Please note that we are no longer including free postage in our membership rates from 2024 onwards.
We will provide free collection of printed copies of the Digging Stick and the South African Archaeological Bulletin at our various talks. Free postage of The Digging Stick to our local members living in South Africa will continue but postage costs must be paid during your annual renewal if you live outside of South Africa and wish to receive a printed and posted copy of either the SAAB or The Digging Stick. 

Postage Costs for the South African Archaeological Bulletin (2024):
South Africa - SAAB, 2 issues per year, R65.00 for both issues. 
International - SAAB, 2 issues per year - see below:
Zimbabwe R226.00 x 2 = R452.00 per year
Botswana R181.00 x 2 = R362.00 per year
Canada R377.00 x 2 = R754.00 per year
Australia R377.00 x 2 = R754.00 per year
Overseas (other)     R204.00 x 2 = R408.00 per year

Postage Costs for The Digging Stick (2024):
South Africa - free - included in your membership. 
International - TDS, 3 issues per year - see below:
Africa R100 x 3 = R300.00 per year
Overseas R89.00 x 3 = R267.00 per year



Rates for 2024 (excluding postage)

Ordinary Member (Single)


Joint or Family


Junior/Student Member


Local Institutions


African Ordinary


Overseas Member


Overseas Institutions


All membership dues must be paid to the Head Office in Cape Town, not to branches. Payment can be made by EFT (see banking details below) or by credit card. 
Banking Details
SA Archaeological Society
Standard Bank of South Africa
Branch code: 025009 (Rondebosch)
Current account number: 070510121
Please email proof of deposit to