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Terraced fields near Lydenburg, Mpumalanga
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Patrick Carter and Patricia Vinnicombe sorting finds at Sehonghong in Lesotho in 1972

what we do

The South African Archaeological Society, also known as ArchSoc, is a registered non-profit organisation. Membership is open to anyone with an interest in archaeology. The Society promotes archaeological research in southern Africa and makes the results available to its members and the public through lectures, outings, tours and publications.


The South African Archaeological Society was founded in Cape Town as the Cape Archaeological Society in August 1944 by Professor John Goodwin. The aim of the South African Archaeological Society, as set out in our constitution, is to bridge the gap between professional archaeologists and people from all walks of life who enjoy the subject.
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The South African Archaeological Bulletin (SAAB) was established in 1945. It is an internationally renowned journal (ISI & IBSS listed) that publishes on all aspects of African archaeology. It has amongst the highest citation index rating of all world archaeological journals.

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Please read more to see a list of free archaeological resources currently available from the South African Archaeological Society

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Please read more to see a list of answers to frequently asked questions about the Society

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02 Feb 2024
Dear members, we have been asked to circulate a survey by Bruno Werz (please see our YouTube talk about the research) - he would appreciate as much feedback as possible!

latest events & activities

By: Northern Branch
Date: Sat, 24/08/2024 - 09:00 to 13:00
Registration: 9h00 to 9h30
Venue: Delta Environmental Centre, Delta Park, Road No. 3, Victory Park, Johannesburg.
Parking: Secure parking at the Centre.
By: WC Branch, led by Yvonne Viljoen and Pat Kramer
Date: Fri, 18/10/2024 - 08:00 to Sun, 27/10/2024 - 17:00
Western Cape
Dear ArchSoc Members,


LED BY YVONNE VILJOEN, former Chairperson of the Western Cape Branch, AND PAT KRAMER of the Vernacular
Architecture Society of South Africa (VASSA)