WC Branch Committee
Tue, 11/04/2023 - 18:30
SA Astronomical Observatory auditorium
Western Cape
NOTICE is hereby given in terms of Para. 6.b. of the Branch Constitution 2018 that the Annual General Meeting of the Western Cape Branch of the Society will be held on 11 April 2023 at 18:30 at the Auditorium of the S.A. Astronomical Observatory, Cape Town. The Constitution (Para.5) allows for 10 (Ten) people to serve on the Committee (Para. 5.a) of whom three shall be chosen by the newly elected Committee Members to serve as the following office-bearers: Chairperson,
Treasurer and Secretary (Para. 5g.); other offices to be designated as deemed necessary to the Branch activities. Nominations (Para.6f) may be made in writing in advance or may be proposed and seconded from the floor at the AGM provided the nominee is present and in agreement.

This year the nominations will be individual, not en masse. 
In 2019 Wendy Black, Sona Buys, Connie Feast, Jean Gray, Lyne McLennan, Gillian Sutton, Madelon Tusenius and Yvonne Viljoen were re-elected en masse and Sonia McGregor was subsequently co-opted.  During the 2020-2022 pandemic they continued their extended duties. In 2021, Wendy Black and Gillian Sutton resigned due to pressures of their full-time work. Of the remaining Committee Members Sona Buys, Connie Feast, Sonia McGregor, Madelon Tusenius and Yvonne Viljoen will not stand for election but are willing to assist on an ad hoc basis.
1. Welcome
2. Apologies
3. No Minutes were taken for the previous AGM as it was held by email.  The date of the AGM was deemed to have been held on 17 June 2021, the date at which approvals were required to be submitted. Thirty-three approvals were obtained, exceeding the quorum of 20
4. Matters Arising from the Minutes - not applicable under the circumstances
5. Chairman's Report for year ended December 2022
6. Treasurer's Report and presentation of the annual financial accounts for the year 2022
7. Election of new Committee for 2023/2024.

A lecture will follow the AGM. Speaker to be advised.  

You may also download the notifications and nomination form by clicking this link: